Open-Source Software Reuse Service for SMEs

The OPEN-SME project has been supported by the EC within the 7th framework programme under grant agreement no. FP7-SME-2008-2 – 24376 

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COPE Source Code Access
Source code is provided under the GNU General Public License . To access the source code please visit the public code repository.


Welcome to the OPEN-SME project

The OPEN-SME has ended! The OPEN-SME consortium is encouraging the adoption of project results from third parties. Interested visitors can download the tools of the project after registering here.

It will only take a few minutes and you can get access to the COPE tool for component extraction from Open Source projects and give it a try.

Also users can visit the federated OSS code search engine OCEAN and access components that were extracted by COPE during project trials in the COMPARE repository.

We'd love to hear from you. Please send us an email with your experience using the project tools or any ideas that you may have (e.g. possible enhancements).


The OPEN-SME project aims to develop a set of methodologies, associated tools and business  models centred on SME Associations, which will enable software SMEs to effectively introduce Open Source Software Reuse practices  in their production processes. In this scope, software reuse is regarded as the sharing of software modules across different development teams, organisations, and diverse application domains.

The potential benefits from the adoption of Software Reuse practises by software SMEs could provide substantial competitive advantages against large players by improving productivity, increasing competitiveness (offer more competitive practises), and facilitating entrance to new markets.

The main reasons prohibiting the adoption of Software Reuse solutions by software SMEs are the following:

  • The large initial investments in technology know-how and tools required for a successful software reuse program are inhibiting reuse for SMEs, since their budget is limited

  • Effective accumulation of modules requires multiple products in different application domains. Software development SMEs typically develop only a limited number of products or just a single system that evolves in different versions.

  • The market presently lacks services that would allow the effective identification , cataloguing reshaping and utilisation of open source software components. This significantly prohibits the reuse of code concerning application functionality, which is common to a limited set of domains.

The OPEN-SME project aims to provide a viable solution to the aforementioned SME problems, by developing appropriate methodologies and tools, and defining adequate business models that will allow SME Associations to effectively provide Open Source Software Reuse services to their member software SMEs. In this sense, SME Associations will act as the "software reuse departments" of their members.

Project Details:

  • Project title: “Open-Source Software Reuse Service for SMEs”
  • Project acronym: OPEN-SME
  • Coordinator organisation: Greek Association of Computer Engineers
  • Start Date: July 1st, 2010
  • Duration: 24 months
  • Total person-months: 186.35 PMs
  • Total costs: 1,498,707 €
  • Requested EC contribution: 1,124,13 €